Christmas Tree Care
Timing is key. Try to purchase your tree as near to the time when you want to display it as possible. At Nunton Farm we ensure our trees harvested as close to the supply date as possible. This helps with needle retention over the festive period.
When buying a tree always ask where it has been stored. Trees stored outside will last much longer than those stored in the warmth. We store our trees in perfect conditions to retain their natural quality and beauty.
Choose a fresh tree. Needles should bend rather than snap.
When you get your tree home, saw 2.5cm (1”) off the bottom of the trunk.
Stand your tree in a bucket of water until you are ready to bring it inside.
Use a Christmas tree stand that holds water and don’t forget to check the level daily. Your tree needs moisture to keep it looking its best throughout the festive season.
Position your tree away from radiators. Central heating is one of the worst enemies of any real Christmas tree. If you can locate the tree away from any radiator or alternatively afford to turn it off, then this will help to prevent the tree from losing moisture from its needles.